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Quotes by Xochitl
 Can't believe it yesterday we were something, now we're nothing........interesti... - Xochitl - Quotes Donut
 If depression wouldn't exist, the world could it be perfect? And why perfect... - Xochitl - Quotes Donut
 Don't let your past change your present, if it does always know who you are and ... - Xochitl - Quotes Donut
 They say the key to success.....but what about the lock, problems are worth livi... - Xochitl - Quotes Donut
 Believe in the only god, the god that doesn't want anything but your faith... - Xochitl - Quotes Donut
 Know your worth, don't let people put a price to you... - Xochitl - Quotes Donut
 I love you from here to the third sky... - Xochitl - Quotes Donut
 I could give you the world, in fact I could give you the stars to but, my heart ... - Xochitl - Quotes Donut
 When a heart meets their soulmate, a kiss makes things special... - Xochitl - Quotes Donut