Written By James McMillan
Sometimes it's difficult to be vulnerable and tell someone how you honestly feel about them with terms of endearment, or otherwise, and say the right words. Frequently we forget what precious, little time each of us may have on this big blue sphere. Looking at the grand scheme of things, one realizes that stubborn pride is generally the culprit for living with regret. Foolish, hurtful, judgmental, and misconstrued gestures and comments can lead to disastrous outcomes when it comes to relationships and/or life in general. Speaking from your heart, metaphorically, isn't all that far fetched of a concept. We all too often give in to what the irrational mind tells us to say in the heat of the moment. Gathering up the courage to admit you're wrong is admirable. Biting the bullet, so to speak, and giving a heart felt apology is noble when warranted. Wishing you had said or done something to make amends, won't clear your conscience if it turns out to be too late. As the old cliché states, "Life's too short."Download
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