Written By Cake brother
The look on his face when he learned that I was in his trunk. Once he got to the hotel. So where was his real bag no one knows But when he found me his life got crazy. So much so he turned to another then I disappeared and disagreed. But I was on my own and the world had a pandemonium. Me and the night life no. But different relaxation was what I was in search of. Cure the sick or relax the universe plus unhealthy but no body thought on relaxing so I had to implement ideas on line and some listened and some didn't. That's why I was in the car. I had to pop out and say you need to relax and give him and his friends yoga tech styles to do to get these womp ed up people s to just Relax. Then A workshop formed. But wait they hate to relax. Well I will appear at every trunk until they all relax in relation to relaxation heyDownload
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