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Calista Flockhart

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Quotes by Calista Flockhart
 I've been doing a lot of hiking, which I love.... - Calista Flockhart - Quotes Donut
 But it kills me, this fascination with celebrities' personal lives.... - Calista Flockhart - Quotes Donut
 And when I first came out from New York, I hadn't driven in a long time. Now... - Calista Flockhart - Quotes Donut
 It's so funny how my name has always been such a big deal. When I was growin... - Calista Flockhart - Quotes Donut
 So people think I'm lying about my age all the time? It's the records th... - Calista Flockhart - Quotes Donut
 I don't watch the show - only bits and pieces of all of them. The only one I... - Calista Flockhart - Quotes Donut
 I do wish my breasts were bigger. Not big... but less small.... - Calista Flockhart - Quotes Donut
 I think that the character that I'm playing now is so fundamentally differen... - Calista Flockhart - Quotes Donut