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Pablo Neruda

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Quotes by Pablo Neruda
 Dónde está el niño que yo fui, Sigue adentro de mí o se fue? Sabe que no lo quis... - Pablo Neruda - Quotes Donut
 I have named you queen. There are taller ones than you, taller. There are purer ... - Pablo Neruda - Quotes Donut
 Y por que el sol es tan mal amigo del caminante en el desierto?  Y por que el so... - Pablo Neruda - Quotes Donut
 From sorrow to sorrow love crosses its islands and establishes roots that are wa... - Pablo Neruda - Quotes Donut
 Child who does not play is not a child, but the man who does not play has lost f... - Pablo Neruda - Quotes Donut
 And I, infinitesima­l being,  drunk with the great starry  void,  likeness, imag... - Pablo Neruda - Quotes Donut
 By night, beloved, tie your heart to mine and let them both in dreams defeat the... - Pablo Neruda - Quotes Donut
 It was my destiny to love and say goodbye.... - Pablo Neruda - Quotes Donut
 Jaiva  La Jaiva color de violeta acecha en un rincon del mar: sus tenazas son do... - Pablo Neruda - Quotes Donut