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Shia LaBeouf

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Quotes by Shia LaBeouf
 My generation will actually be the first generation that is tamer than the one t... - Shia LaBeouf - Quotes Donut
 I don't have to live this lavish lifestyle.... - Shia LaBeouf - Quotes Donut
 But this is a little different. This is the adult acting. This is a different cr... - Shia LaBeouf - Quotes Donut
 If I have enough money to eat I'm good.... - Shia LaBeouf - Quotes Donut
 I didn't jump onto anyone else's coattail and ride their wave.... - Shia LaBeouf - Quotes Donut
 If I want to party, I'll party at my house.... - Shia LaBeouf - Quotes Donut
 I hated golf when we first started, but a big part of the training process was f... - Shia LaBeouf - Quotes Donut
 Every time you make a movie it's an adventure.... - Shia LaBeouf - Quotes Donut
 We did this two-week boot camp before we filmed the movie. I got to know everybo... - Shia LaBeouf - Quotes Donut