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Theodore Bikel

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Quotes by Theodore Bikel
 I remain convinced that I can be a true universalist only when I am a better Jew... - Theodore Bikel - Quotes Donut
 I'm exceedingly proud of being an actor, but I never recommend it to anyone.... - Theodore Bikel - Quotes Donut
 I am filled with awe that filmmakers have the capacity to stir us and give us ba... - Theodore Bikel - Quotes Donut
 I created the role of Captain Von Trapp.... - Theodore Bikel - Quotes Donut
 I make no claim that Jewish culture is superior to other cultures or that the Je... - Theodore Bikel - Quotes Donut
 You don't really need modernity in order to exist totally and fully. You nee... - Theodore Bikel - Quotes Donut
 I am not a specialist but a general practitioner in the world of the arts.... - Theodore Bikel - Quotes Donut