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Travis Schiereck

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Quotes by Travis Schiereck
 We call the color black, an absence of light, evil, darkness, and even the color... - Travis Schiereck - Quotes Donut
 If man would take one step at a time, one day at a time, and one moment at a tim... - Travis Schiereck - Quotes Donut
 One can find self-realization, not by digging his own well, but by helping other... - Travis Schiereck - Quotes Donut
 The meaning of life is a desire to find your way home. Not through gain and vani... - Travis Schiereck - Quotes Donut
 If man thinks God can not be found, it is because man doesn't want to find God.... - Travis Schiereck - Quotes Donut
 If evolution is the truth, then " I'll be a monkey's uncle."... - Travis Schiereck - Quotes Donut
 Most people live in fear of dying;
 while others live in fear of living.... - Travis Schiereck - Quotes Donut
 Taking the first step, may be painful, joyous, or even exhilarating. Not taking ... - Travis Schiereck - Quotes Donut
 Man can walk one or a thousand miles and not taking a single step. He can study ... - Travis Schiereck - Quotes Donut