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Zahid Hanif

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Quotes by Zahid Hanif
 ڈیزل ریٹ بڑھنے کے بعد سکرین سے غائب ہے۔
سالہ مہنگائی مارچ کا سپہ سالار بنا ہوا ت... - Zahid Hanif - Quotes Donut
 Life has not contracted to do as you wish. You have contracted to make it better... - Zahid Hanif - Quotes Donut
 Results are rewarded efforts are not.... - Zahid Hanif - Quotes Donut
 You have to live like a shady tree or like a thorny bush. The ball is in your co... - Zahid Hanif - Quotes Donut
 The company from which you have to ask for a salary.  Understand that you are a ... - Zahid Hanif - Quotes Donut
 Scales are a symbol of buying and selling.  Not of justice.... - Zahid Hanif - Quotes Donut
 Some relationships are like a rented house.  No matter how much you decorate the... - Zahid Hanif - Quotes Donut
 The deceased can tell what will happen after death. And there is no means of con... - Zahid Hanif - Quotes Donut
 Success is not an overnight process. It requres time and sacrifices.... - Zahid Hanif - Quotes Donut