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Petronella Manuel

Quotes Donut Author

Quotes by Petronella Manuel
 Try and listen more to your first thoughts. Stop second guessing, &
and let it b... - Petronella Manuel - Quotes Donut
 The future starts with the present.
Start living in the now.
Every moment is pre... - Petronella Manuel - Quotes Donut
 I am thankful for
the forgiving nature I
have for myself, when I
get things wron... - Petronella Manuel - Quotes Donut
 A kind heart remains kind,
even in the midst of a storm.... - Petronella Manuel - Quotes Donut
 The best gift to give someone 
is the present!... - Petronella Manuel - Quotes Donut
 Happiness is what you
feel when your mind is
at peace, your heart filled
with lo... - Petronella Manuel - Quotes Donut
 Exit quietly,
and just be present in your
own space.
You dont have to feel guilt... - Petronella Manuel - Quotes Donut
 A Mother !  Just -
Listen to her song.
Understand the words.
Find the way to her... - Petronella Manuel - Quotes Donut
 Without light you cannot shine !
Without that first step, you cannot climb !... - Petronella Manuel - Quotes Donut